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Sei Nishiyama

Sei Nishiyama is a Tattoo artist born and raised in Singapore. He has been tattooing since 2009, working at studio 67, before finally settling down in Dirty fingers tattoo studio, sharing the shop with two other partners. He does large scale Japanese tattoos, a style chosen as it is part of his bloodline and heritage, and was always naturally inclined towards this style even before he started tattooing.

He has also started a Creative space where he resides in with two Graffiti artists @boonbaked and @Has.j, as well as their Cat “Monkey”. After learning more about the local graffiti community as well as it’s people, Sei Nishiyama created the alias “Sei10” and started using walls as his choice for expressing himself in 2018. With the help and encouragement of his Studio 67 mates, he has since taken part in a few Graffiti events.

Although moving on to create art at such a big scale was scary albeit exciting, with the help and encouragement from the local graffiti community, he now looks at every wall as a potential canvas. With Singapore not having too many legal walls he is hungry for more.

“Sei10” enjoys painting large scale Japanese Ukiyo-e and Manga inspired pieces with his own flair. Japanese imagery has been known to be very bold and loud, thus he wants to change that with more eye pleasing toned down colours, soft shading, intricate details and less intimidating subject pieces. Expression in his character pieces are a must. He wants to share his cultures and traditions sometimes with a slight Singaporean flavour.

Ultimately, he just wants to share his work with the world and with that, hopefully along the way inspire someone to do anything creative, be it to paint a wall or to just pick up a pencil and sketch.

Instagram @kurosei_tattoo

Artwork Description

1 of 3 Pheonix Series

Digital Art


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